Wednesday, February 11, 2015


The world today demands PERFECTION. How do you see a square peg in a round hole?

Can a square peg survive a round hole? Can a round hole adapt to a square peg ??

Pen down your thoughts on the blog.

Comment Deadline: 12th Feb 2015 till 1700 hrs.


  1. The world today does demand Perfection. The institutes and organizations today mold the person (square peg) according to their rules and regulations (round hole) but a point that is oftenly missed is that adaption at the cost of loosing your self identity is not good. Perfection is good to achieve and adaption is important for survival but the only thing that needs to be taken care of is maintaining your self identity. So a square peg can fit a round hole * Caveat : conditions apply.

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  3. The world demands perfection but i think this is a very unrealistic situation, for nobody is free of flaws and it is what makes a person more beautiful. These little things that differentiate us from others is the USP we carry and makes us stand out in the crowd. As for me, I respect people who have the courage to be unique and be proud of it at the same time or not walk with the herd.

    For a misfit, surviving in that situation initially maybe difficult but if you persevere and do not give up in troubling times, success would be yours. Surely, there would be trying times but what you make out of it is of utmost importance.

    This can be seen in two films and much can be learnt from it. Khoobsoorat, where Dr. Millie continues with her treatment despite the unwillingness of the patient. And Confessions of a Shopaholic where Rebecca, being this fashionista ends up in a finance firm as some magazine editor but working with her strengths modified the articles and gave a whole new outlook to finance through fashion.
    So all we need to do is keep working. On the positive side, it gives room for a lot of innovation for the misfit would obviously think differently and give a whole new angle to a situation.
    And eventually the round hole will have to accept the square peg.

  4. Not everyone in this world gets what he/she wants or desires for and has to adjust into various situations. A simple example can be illustrated by question ‘How many of us actually wanted to go for MBA?’. This case will continue to work in the corporate sector as well, where we have to work for what we are directed to, else the survival is not possible. Finally, peg (individual) will have to modify itself to adjust into the round hole (corporate sector). The situation where we believe that the round hole will transform into square hole is very difficult and frankly speaking those who think ‘Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen.’ Happens only in stories and you will have work really hard to do so.

  5. A square peg in a round hole might not suit the eye but is an everyday phenomenon, especially in India. We see people leaving jobs these days as a result of being stuck somewhere they did not expect to be. We see the common norm "Jugaad" in India, typically used to describe something which is done as an alternative and improvised response to a situation, far from the actual remedy. But today as we progress technologically, socially, scientifically and emotionally the need for perfection has seeped deeper into our minds, observing it as a pre-requisite to quality and value. Be it super specialization in the medical field, hiring top-notch interior designers for home decor or any other industry. Perfection has become the need of the hour. One may find it very hard to survive if one is either lagging in one way or the other or is different from what he/she is supposed to be.

  6. When a square peg has to be fitted in around hole than perfection is questionable. Square peg will achieve perfection only when it will remain what it does not have be fitted in any round hole because as a result both of the square peg and the round hole will suffer. we just do not need to change ourselves just to be fitted in some round hole.Just because of the race of being best fitted into some kind of hole we are unable to find out our areas of excellence. Whole of the sky , galaxies is ours we just have to expand our horizons.

  7. Today's world demands only those people who have the capability to adapt to different situations. Look at the corporate world, if you are not able to cop-up with the policies of the company then there is no room for you.

  8. you can’t always put a square peg in a round hole!!!
    We do it especially with relationships and with jobs. If we don’t know what we’re looking for, we become obscured by what we’re attracted to and try to push it .Most people will continue to force it – and with a lot of hard work, sweat, and stress – it can be made to fit, but never very well and never for very long. Eventually that peg is going to explode out of the hole into which they’re trying to mash it.And by the time they realize it’s not fitting, they’re so far in that instead of realizing what’s happened and getting out, they try harder to make it work or else they do nothing. In both cases, not only does the fit fail to improve, it becomes more tenuous with time.Failing to define what they want is where it begins. And unless luck intervenes, it’s not long before the new job – or new relationship – isn’t as satisfying as it initially appeared.So a food for thought - Know whatever you are before you go looking so you’re able to spot the place you want to be. You'll find you slide into place and rest there contentedly much easier

  9. According to me it depends on situation, there can be two ways of judging this. situation may be such that when square peg should have to cut its edges so as to get fit in the round hole. This is the time when a person needs to learn something new or we can say this may be one’s childhood when he learns to be perfect or finds his strengths. If he finds himself as a shape of round hole then he fits into it, otherwise he creates a new hole for himself.
    As an example an organization or a team needs persons with diversity in their strength, field of interest so as to make a perfect team. This makes the other situation where round hole needs a square peg for completing its desired shape or a unique pattern.

  10. Square peg in a round hole- It is said that in corporate world, if you can’t think the way your senior thinks you cannot survive. One will have to sharpen himself like in a round peg to fit in. But, when people refuse to fit in they establish new standards. Take an example of Irrfan Khan, one of the finest actors Hindi film industry has. He carried on with his different acting instead of working on his looks. He may not be a successful commercial actor but he has created his own league.
    Similarly we may think of the way people like Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg who instead of being job ready worked with their own conditions and became successful.
    In my view, sometimes at the early start of career one may have to compromise a little but later with expertise and knowledge can set his own standards.

  11. Square peg in a round hole....This quotation can be easily applied to Indian Politics.
    As there are not any predefined rules about How to enter into politics and how to act in different situations as India is a well diversified country and there are various religious sects and groups which need safe politics But somehow Indian politics has not been so entertaining towards these issues. Thus Indian politics need some modifications for the sake of humanity and social welfare though these things are not written in any book on Politics.

  12. Today the world want perfectionist or in other words we can say our business or corporate world needs perfectionist kind of persons.If one need to survive in this world he needs to learn all the adaptive feature of particular area or things.In this fast moving world the squre peg has to survive in a roundhole to taste the success.

  13. I agree with it that todays world demand perfection but it is not easy toa chieve this goal beacuse everyone has a different personality, so it is difficult for people to adapt to different environments. You should only try to focus on your strong points and should not try to mould your self to something that you are not ment for just to achieve perfection.

  14. i feel that achieving perfection in anything is impossible.......but then again obtaining the impossible is what everyone tries to do. therefore, according to me, people cannot become perfect, but they can come close to perfection through hard work, determination and some amount of skill.

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  17. Yes world today does demand perfection but a square peg does not always fit a a round hole, we are in a habit of following things irrespective of the fact that we have specific interest in it or not. It is the human tendency of trying to be like others.. W e lose our self worth while trying to fit in someone else's shoes. It is the need of hour to be competent enough but at the same time we should not lose our uniqueness and inner self just to be like others. Be wise to do things which you can actually do rather than being a mere sheep

  18. Square Peg In A Round Hole means " a total misfit". If you are working for an organization, and you say that you feel like a square peg in a round hole.This expresses the sense that you don't belong their or you find yourself unsuited for the type of job that you are doing.

    But saying so, not going to take you anywhere. You have to change yourself according to the situation i.e. work under constrains. And make your choice meaningful.

  19. Conformity breeds mediocrity. 'Square pegs' are welcome in this age as they encourage out-of-the box thinking and foster innovation. It may be difficult to survive in a world reduced to a rat race, where one may find it difficult to set oneself apart from others, especially if it comes at the cost of ostracism, but the world would stagnate without non-conformists.

  20. You can not be rigid in today's world. Adaptation is the key to success. Effective the adaptation, better placed you are. You can't expect the environment to budge to your needs, but it has to be you.

  21. Yes, it is true you need to reshape your edges if you want to fit in a round hole provided you don’t lose your individuality. There is nothing wrong if you get flawed in the process of “reshaping”, the only acceptance you need is your own.

  22. In today's world, you cannot always rely on having things and be in situations you like. You surely do not get what you desire for, deal with people you get along. So to survive in a world where life has become a race and everyone has to face cut-throat competition, you have to mold yourself to fit into situations and survive the competition. Surviving and Adapting to misfit situations is the need of today.

  23. The world is changing at fast speed and is progressing too. The organizations today want a person to run with that fast changing world and for that you need to make yourself fit in its protocols and situations in it . No one knows everything but to learn that and practice that before the others can do is important and beneficial

  24. I think the world does demand perfectionist, it demands people who can adapt to changes and act accordingly. Bruce Lee once said “Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless - like water. Now you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup, you put water into a bottle, it becomes the bottle, you put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Now water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend.” It’s very difficult for a person who cannot change according to the situation to survive in this world. So, the world needs perfectionists and not misfits as they die out in the longer run.

  25. According to Darwin’s theory of the survival of the fittest an individual can survive only if he or she has the ability to acclimatize according to the changing environment. No one is perfect, a person who learn from his mistakes or try to understand the actual reasons of his failure can perform better.

  26. World demands perfection Like customer mounting demands and company needs for growth and profitability in this game of tug of war managers are get screwed up ,Only those mangers will become survive who are adopt changes and this is how they convert square peg into round peg

  27. Nobody is perfect.I feel that the so called "Perfection" is just a wall of curtains on one's real identity, his/her attitude towards life and society.We should try to be good and give our best shot in anything we do appreciation perfection will follow along with it.
    Nobody's perfect
    I gotta work it
    Again and again
    'Til I get it right

    Nobody's perfect
    You live and you learn it
    And if I mess it up sometimes

    Nobody's perfect
    I gotta work it
    I know in time I'll find a way- Hannah Montana[i do like her few songs :) ]

  28. According to mypoint of view, as i read somewhere, dat if u want to succeed in life then either change the situation according to urself or you urself change so as to adapt with the situation.
    So you have to achieve perfection, either by falling into something or making things fall into your place. And so aptly said, that the world demand perfection and to succeed you have to achieve it no matter what.

  29. Every one is perfect for a particular task and no two together are perfect for same task. Perfection comes to everyone when he tries for it and he need to search that in which work he is perfect.
    Though this peg is not perfect for this round hole but peg will be perfect when you will put in round square shape whole and vice versa.

  30. We all might feel like a square peg in some round hole type situation, that does not make us the unfit one. Secondly, we may see it as a round hole not fit for the square peg that is the other way around and hence should not let it affect our confidence.
    Apart from that there is always a way we can adapt to a round hole, after all adaptation is how humankind has reached where it is now.

  31. Nothing is perfect today. Everywhere person has to adjust according to situation. So the situation of fitting square peg in round peg can never be ruled out. Even though the demand of perfection id high but that never makes one person weak its just the ability of person how he can adjust and improve according to situation

  32. i think the square peg should fit into that round hole, even it is not fitting we should find ways to fit into that hole because that's called 'perfection' ..example being an MBA we should know how to sell a comb to a bald as well.

  33. As per my essance about
    “Square pegs in round holes”. This usually happens internationally, but in vast and diverse countries like India & China, it can happen in different regions within the country.

    The pace at which the world is becoming small everyday is inversely proportionate to the amount of migration of people across the countries and continents. The local people will always have an advantage over the migrants culturally. At the same time, it is incorrect to assume that one culture is more business friendlily than the other. Recent economic resurgence by Asian countries specially India & China has proved that giant strides can be effected staying within the conservative culture of the east.

    So the time has come for a change, a change in attitude. Instead of complaining about the incompatibility, it is better, we level the playing field so that it is compatible to everyone, and prevents the loss of time, money and other resources.

    It is the joint responsibility of the management and especially the directly concerned executive to make the acclimatization process seamless.

  34. Today in this global era when world is round and distances have decimated, the flexibility is a prerequisite. One has to adapt if he/she want to sustain.Although perfection is not possible for all but the adaptability and flexibility is must.Fitting a square peg in round hole will survive depend upon these two parameters only.

  35. Our Belief System has been built around the premise of 'Fitting In'. As Individuals we aspire to be well Rounded-off so that we can Fit in. As Professionals we wish our skills are well Rounded-off so that we can fit into any job profile. For achieving this, we try to identify our weaknesses or weaker skills and work on them as long as they reach a acceptable level. What if our Mindset was different? What if 'fitting in' was not the aim? Why not concentrate on identifying our Strengths and working on them until you reach the expert level?

    All of us are aware of the Cricketing Genius of Sachin Tendulkar but how many of us know that he was an average tennis player as well? Just imagine if he had also chosen to concentrate on improving his weaker skills(Tennis) rather than maximizing his strengths(Cricketing Skills).
