Monday, February 2, 2015

“Nothing is either good or bad, but thinking makes it so"

“Nothing is either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.” ~Shakespeare

Well do you really believe these lines? 

Pen down your thoughts. 

Comment Submission Timeline: 5th Feb 2015 


  1. Yes I do believe so. The feeling of good or bad is just the way one thinks and perceives in a given situation. I feel that this statement also implies that one should be more open minded and more accepting in a given situation rather than be judgemental because if something is good/bad for one person , it doesnt always mean that the other also feels the same.

  2. Yes I do believe it..As every coin exists with two sides , so its your way of seeing , which side you want to see.We usually heard people saying that he or she is doing wrong or is a culprit but we never want to know the reason behind anything We love to be judgemental every time we meet a person and make our perceptions accordingly and we never want to learn anything good from anyone but rather find every bad in him. When a challenge comes to us , we try to find out the negatives instead of positives , so its our thinking only which can make a thing possible or impossible. Someone has rightly said that if you think you can do a thing or you can't do a thing ,you are right. So it totally and completely depends on the way you think about a thing.

  3. Yes, I believe these lines. Nothing is good or bad, this is all the game of one’s thinking. When we are blaming ourselves for something bad happened and one person comes and says that “Don’t worry, everything happens for a reason” we start feeling normal. This is all about positive thinking. We can’t control the situations but we can change our own thoughts. The way we think about our family, our colleagues will influence the behavior towards them.
    If you feel that everything is going wrong, just turn the other side of the coin, world will automatically become beautiful.

  4. Yes i do believe that nothing is good or bad, our thinking makes it so. And my belief has been made even more firm after i read 'The Secret' by Rhonda Byrne. Everything in life is because of the Law of Attraction. It is the most powerful thing that there is. We are a magnanimous field of energy which attracts like things towards it. When we think negative, bad things happen to us. When we are positive and happy, good things happen to us. We are a magnet drawing out the parallel in life by thinking them in our mind. I can say this after having observed it through personal experiences. When you think you are going to be late, a chain of thought starts, pulling things on similar energy towards you. You are unable to find something, realize you have forgetten something after having reached halfway, get a lot of traffic etc. So in reality, we are responsible for the consequences we face in our lives as we are the ones who attracted them by thinking about them continuously. Basically, how you think can determine how your future will be, by the frequency of thoughts you have now.

  5. Yes, I truly believe in the above lines. Whatever is good for others may not necessarily have the same meaning to someone else and vice versa. It is truly a matter of perception. The interpretations of various situations and things depend on our experiences and the society we live in. Even if one doesn’t feel good about something, thinking positively about it may change the feeling from bad to good as nothing is good or bad in itself. Any situation can be controlled by just controlling our thoughts and our attitude towards it. So developing a mindset to take on every challenge with the best of spirits can help us win over any “bad” feeling.

  6. Every wrong is right and right is wrong, the only difference is what we believe it is. Giving a beggar money, one may think of it as he or she helping a person in need while other may consider it as a con by "professional" beggar. Whatever it is, if you believe it is good then it is.

  7. It is rightly said that “Nothing is either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.”. It can be understood by meaning of words 'good/bad' which have no exact explanation. According to dictionary, the word 'good' means 'having the required qualities; of a high standard.'; but what do we mean by required qualities or high standard and who set these 'quality standards'. These are the bars that are set by Human thinking.
    All this said, I would like to add that God has given us the ability to set these bars and this is what differentiate us from other living organisms and from each other. This is what makes us human.

  8. I will have to disagree with Mr. Shakespeare on this one. Everything can be categorized as either good or bad. Be it ethically, financially, emotionally, socially or on any other scale, every action, decision, thought or motive falls on one side of it or the other. Where time is the best judge. As time passes, the consequences clear out any conflicts in judgement making things a lot more clearer.

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  10. Shakespere has penned the famous lines in the play ‘HAMLET’ depicting the mindset of Prince Hamlet where he called his own home a ‘prison’. The lines are true in all the circumstances as your own conscience decides it for you, whether you will continue believing in something perceived good our you will recant.

  11. I totally agree with Mukul that-'Everything can be categorized as either good or bad'. But I want to ask Mukul that-'What makes us feel good or bad'. It is only our thinking that helps us, or I would say makes us to form a perception on our incidents. And also, if you are a positive person then you feel all the positive energy resides in you and on opposite, if you are a negative person then you feel that all the bad things of the world are happening to you.

  12. What is good and what is bad are subjectively decided. Both good and bad are matters of human judgement. But, there is also the fact that our senses can be deceived. Some things may be objectively bad for all of us, (e.g. global warming) but in the absence of conscious beings, a super-heated planet like Venus, has no relation to moral judgments. Similarly, it's unlikely you'll ever meet anyone who says genocide is good. However this does not mean the opinion is right one, and indeed if such ideas were objectively held by all then genocide would never have taken place.

    Protagoras said that "man is the measure of all things", and as such there are no actual values because everything is relative to the person judging.
    A person can have different decision for same situation under different circumstances.

    There has never been anyone who was 100% good or 100% bad either. There is nothing which is completely white or completely black. Its all shades of grey. We are all a complex mix.

  13. I totally agree with the above given lines.
    As according to my point of view, your thinking makes your thoughts, your thoughts makes your behaviour and your behaviour makes your character.
    Believing in the philosphy of karma, my perspective of looking into this is what one person give to the society, he/she gets back from the society. So if your character and intention(thinking) behind doing something is positive, then everything turns into gold and if your thoughts and intention behind doing something is negative, then the output will always be negative.

  14. I completely agree with the given quote.
    Living in this world of diversity with people having different thinking and unique opinions about every aspect of life make them look at things with different perception. It’s all about how we perceive things and how we interpret it. For some people same thing will have different meaning and for others they might interpret it differently. Taking the example of personalities of people - In our daily life we come across so many people with wide variety of personalities. Nobody has a bad or negative character, it’s all about how you think about that person and have developed an image in your mind about that person. You might have developed negative feelings about a particular person because of some bad experience of yours and then your line of thought have started in a negative direction towards that person which cannot be changed easily but that same person may be liked by everyone else in your surroundings because they have positive feelings towards that person. So, it’s all about train of thoughts how you start interpreting things which leads to development of a bitter sweet thinking of your mind

  15. Yes, Nothing is either good or bad, but thinking makes it so; Arjun a warrior in Mahabharata was against killing his siblings and guru’s who were his enemies in the battlefield. Then Lord Krishna, taught him lessons from GEETA that “as a crusader you should choose fight and there is nothing wrong in fighting for the truth”.
    So, I think good or bad is just one’s perception .

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  17. Yes I do believe so. It depends on our perspective. We cannot always control our circumstances, but we can control our own thoughts. Our upbringing shapes our life into a particular direction but it is our life experiences, which give us a clear picture. Talking about myself, I try to see the best in people, but when I'm convinced there's none, I don’t involve much with them. This is my perspective, but yes it could be wrong as well. Sometimes, things which we termed as bad earlier, may turn into good with the passage of time or may differ from others. But they should be logical enough to be termed as good or bad. For example, whenever media addresses a sensitive issue, we blindly follow the news, without even thinking about the other side of the story. But for now, it is our thinking summed up with logic, which will help us to judge between good and bad.

  18. there is no second thought about this as i totally go with the wordings !
    it is are thoughts that categorize what is good and what is bad, that is why the notions of good or bad are subjective as everybody thinks differently in case you need an example take the case of vegetarians and non vegetarians - a clash of thoughts over what we eat !!! In fact, It is our thoughts that are reflected by our behavior and i want to shore up the statement by saying that i believe that 'thoughts are things' in way that they make us look what we look to others!!

  19. I agree with the above lines. More or less it’s the thinking of an individual that makes things right or wrong for him. Good or bad is subjective and differ from person to person. What one person thinks is ethical may be unethical for the other.
    A recent example of this is the people’s thoughts about the show AIB ROAST KNOCKOUT. Some celebrities cracked jokes on themselves, all in good humour, but many people felt offended and opposed that, marking it as disgrace to the society. So there is no such GOOD or BAD in this world. It is actually a person's mindset how he takes a particular thing.


  20. We as humans are very egoistic in nature. We think that the universe revolves around us. We have strong preferences and fears. Things which suit our preferences we label them as good. Things which do not suit our preferences or make us scared we label them as bad.
    Let us say, bad denotes the darkness of life and good denotes the celebration of life. Life is mixture of both at times mind drifts towards the dark side and sees only the negativity and the other times mind experiences the joy of life, but when we summarize these two components of life we get a grey shade which is symbolism of ups and downs experienced in life

  21. Good or bad is the judgement passed by other people or society. If we have a standard

    of what is good and what is bad the judgement is there, however many people do not believe in

    others list but their own experience.

    (example) There's nothing would happen if you drink 10 can of beer in one day. You learn it is bad

    though however, after a year, your liver is damaged then you realize that beer drinking is bad. You

    want to pass this message to other person. You would just let them know that beer is harmful. But,

    who has the experience and agree you ? Whoever experience it do not need your advice. Those who

    had no experience will say that this is nothing either good or bad but personal experience...

  22. Your thinking makes each and every thing good or bad.Its someone's perception about something.Some people might go with the initial perceptions of the elders they dont want to make there own ,but the fact which makes the thing good or bad is the culture in which you brought up.
    Lets take an example of aib knockout which is in news these days.Some people are opposing it as its not our culture, but on the other hand some thinks about it in totaly different manner.So there's nothing good or bad its all about individuals thinking and experiences which makes his or her perception about something.

  23. Good or bad depends a lot on how one perceives things and there is a great impact of situation also. But also, there is a contradiction to this statement. For example certain militant groups take path of violence in the name of God. They consider killing people will lend them a place in heaven but violence cannot be considered good.
    Hence, yes, situation makes changes in one’s perception but this cannot be hold true every time.

  24. One can not always segregate things into: right or wrong, good or bad, The Batman or The Joker. Things are not always in Black or in White, they usually lie on a continuum between Black and white, which consists of shades of grey.

    This quote sums up my thoughts, "We don't see things the way they are, we see things the way we are."

  25. There is nothing like good or bad. At individual perspective i would say it comes down to two things Good for us and Bad for us. Something good for someone will be bad for other vice versa. It is all relative.

    For say Britisher saw all the revolutionaries of India as bad whether it is Mahatma Gandhi or Bhagat Singh while for us they were the one who brought the change.For Germany people Hitler was good because he promise to uplift the German society and so people elected him.

    So In my view its just a man made concept to see things in dual like right or wrong,good or bad. Rightly said by Suraj its time to see that shades of grey.

  26. If you ask a terrorist about terrorism he just might convince you that terrorism is perfectly normal, but perception of that individual does not make it right. Terrorism is wrong, period. So I partially disagree with this quote as you can not generalize this concept of good or bad for every situation. Opinions may certainly differ depending on the circumstances or upbringing or some other strong factors but those are just opinions
    Having said that there are things which can not easily categorized as good or bad. There are a lot of valid reasons of why you should eat or quit non vegetarian food. I don't know what is wrong and what is not in this case. There are chunks of land which just do not support any kind of vegetation, You can't rely on vegetarian food there. So this particular situation could be hard to categorize as good or bad.
    So I would conclude by saying that good and bad certainly exist, but not for every situation. In in some cases it could be hard to judge and could get subjective.

  27. Generally for every person “Good” means something that has positive effects on something or someone, resulting in happiness and satisfaction. But the way to achieve this happiness or satisfaction is different for every person. Some may find violence good some may not. It’s totally depends on individual emotions, believes or past experiences according to which he reacts and consider good or bad.

  28. These lines may be True or False.... It depends upon the situation and context in which one is thinking. If we consider these lines for a person, then may be one can consider the reliability of this school of thought because it is the first impression that has direct link with the personality of someone and accordingly one thinks about another people . But these lines may not be equally reliable in the context of any situation or place , because in case of situation or place , generally people gives a second thought and accordingly makes perception about that one..

  29. According to my view
    We are raised with opinions and being told how to behave and all that.
    We are not born with the interpretaion of good or bad.
    Death is natural, failure is natural and it is not bad, but we interprete it that way due to our up bringing.
    "Good" and "Bad" are human concepts.
    They are impressed by us on what we see. We think some things are good...we think some things are bad.

    If we were unable to think, there would be no good or bad.

  30. If there are no bad things in this world, then the good things will lose it’s importance. I don't think this statement is true in every situation as, If a person simply starts abusing another person for no point at all, then it is a bad thing. The situation in which this is true is when a person starts rating the happenings according to his comfort. The things which a person feels comfortable in becomes good and uncomfortable becomes

  31. I am in complete agreement with the quote as it is the matter of perspective. There are always going to be two ways to look at the things. It depends entirely on the matter of our opinion. An optimist is going to always look at the glass being half full and the pessimist will always go with the glass being half empty. The consequence of our failures are upto decide; you can either give up and accept it as our defeat or you can just shrug it off and learn from it.

  32. Absolutely its one perception it may be the first impression he/ she gave to the opposite.One who belongs to conservative family would feel bad showing affection in public whereas same in western culture its good to show express feelings, expressions. So at the end it all comes to thinking which is bad or wrong, thinking which majorly a society builds but its in our own hand which thinking to adopt and give way.I am a free thinker who takes all positive points and thinks before speaking and coming to a conclusion.
    P.S Madam i am very sorry for posting late. Please accept my apology.

  33. perception and experience plays whole game...........its our thoughts,our views,our thinking which we have gained through perception and experience.

  34. We as human beings have the cognitive abilities to perceive and rationalise our experiences. Therefore based on one's judgements, one can decide for oneself what is right or wrong. This personal set of rights and wrongs is referred to as one's ethics.
    However there are varying perceptions of ethics across various cultures and belief systems. Therefore there is no set definition of right and wrong.

  35. Good or bad is a function of individual. For example bribery could be offensive to me while it could be supported by some others. To me it is bad while to some other it is good. Hence the quote “ there is neither good or bad” is justified.
