Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Final Exam

The final exam will be held on 10th April 2015. The timings are from 0930 -1230 am. 

Note: I have uploaded a pdf with your assessments till date.Kindly check your marks and in case there is any problem discuss it before 10th April. 

Read the book prescribed for the course. Also come read with the presentations discussed in the class. 

All the Best !!

Note: After reading the above post, kindly comment below and wish your classmates all the best. :) 

Make sure you comment. 

link for pdf: WBC IB

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Email Excercise

Good Afternoon Class!!

Here is a small email activity for all of you.

Considering you all will be looking forward to join your dream job. Lets have a small exercise.

Exercise: Write a job application letter (Formal Covering Letter) for a job opening in your dream company.

Note: Read first about how to write a job application letter over email. 

The activity will be evaluated out of 10.
Content : 5
Format  : 5

Date of submission: 26th March 2015 (by 12 midnight)

Monday, March 16, 2015

Instructions for Class Presentation

Hey Class !!!

The class presentations will be held on 19th March 2015. (All Groups)
Report Submission to be done on 19th March 2015 before the presentation. 

MM: 50

Slides: 10 
Communication Skills:10
Team Work:5
Presentation Skills: 10
Report: 10

Time Allotted to each group: 15-20 mins

*Each group must submit the presentation to me by midnight 18th March 2015. 


Friday, February 27, 2015

Activity on Written Communication!!!

Hey Everyone !!! Hola !!!

Here is an assignment for you all on written communication.

Choose an organization of your choice (No duplication) and do an analysis of the contents of
-Facebook Page
-Twitter Page

or any other form of written communication that you can find for your company and find out how they differ in terms of
-Choice of Words
-Style etc.

Assignment Details:
1.To be submitted individually
2. Limit it to 3 pages
3. Print form
4. Deadline: 5th March 2015